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Carmichael VBS a Bustling Circus of Activity

Carmichael VBS a Bustling Circus of Activity

Carmichael VBS a Bustling Circus of Activity 3989 2531 Ken Miller

Each summer, many churches in our territory offer Vacation Bible School. The annual community outreaches are a testament to faithful tithe givers and generous donations.

The Carmichael Church Vacation Bible School (VBS) has a rich tradition of serving community children while enriching the lives of youth and adult volunteers. Recently, junior high and high school students gathered daily to teach, share joy in singing, and worship with over 100 younger children.

Youth pastor Benji Ferguson highlighted their program’s dual benefits: “Our VBS allows both youth and adult church members to invite neighborhood families to our church for a fun and edifying experience. It’s also a great opportunity for our volunteers to tap into their spiritual gifts by decorating rooms, learning storylines, acting, and disciplining every child entering their station.”

Associate pastor and VBS coordinator Melissa Howell expressed her pride in the Carmichael team: “Every day, VBS is a joy, a blessing, and a bustling circus of activity. I couldn’t be more proud of the event we put on.” This sentiment was echoed by many youth volunteers. Sophomore Kian exclaimed, “I love working with the kids and being part of why they are having fun.” Freshman Melody added, “I love how excited everyone is to learn about God.”

The summer tradition’s positive and welcoming atmosphere attracts a diverse audience, including a single father who had just moved to the area with his two young children. After seeing the outdoor sign on the church lawn, he brought his children every night.

Ferguson concluded, “It is a privilege to teach and learn from our volunteers. They understand the church’s mission to serve the community, and each uses their creativity and talents to show God’s love. I can’t wait for VBS next summer!”

Did your church have a VBS program this year? Take our short survey and tell us about it!

Featured in 熟女探花 Lights, July 11, 2024